
High-quality gasoline is an investment in the longevity of your vehicle

In order to increase production of high quality gasoline products, Uzbekneftegaz JSC carries out step-by-step work on transition to production of high-octane gasoline and gradual abandonment of AI-80 grade motor gasoline.
Modern trends in the automobile and fuel industry are increasingly aimed at improving the efficiency and environmental friendliness of motor vehicles. High quality gasoline is one element of these changes, offering significant advantages over outdated fuel grades.
In turn, the Bukhara Refinery is in full swing to implement a project to produce high-quality gasoline products with the addition of high-octane components such as MTBE and MMA. This will make it possible to expand the output of AI-92 fuel instead of AI-80.

For reference: In order to organize production of a pilot batch, a working group of specialists studied the experience of using additives of this type at other oil refineries and purchased additives of "MMA", "MTBE" brands.
The scheme of draining, storage and shifting of additives into motor gasoline was developed. The program for production of pilot batch of motor gasoline with application of MMA and MTBE additives was prepared. As a result, to date, the Bukhara Refinery has produced the first industrial batch of high-octane gasoline of AI-92 grade with the use of additives.
High-octane gasoline has many advantages over AI-80 gasoline. It provides better engine performance and durability, reduces harmful emissions and is compatible with modern vehicle technologies.
Thus, high-quality gasoline not only improves vehicle performance, but also contributes to solving environmental problems, making it the preferred choice for modern transportation.

The choice of high-octane gasoline is an investment in the longevity of the car, reduction of operating costs and improvement of the environmental situation.

It should be noted that work continues to increase production of high-quality gasoline products.

Press service of Bukhara Refinery LLC